Robots are cool. Sometimes there’s a philosophical, metaphorical explanation behind the choice for a design. For us, it was a gut thing: we just like robots (not the Skynet kind though).

Blindspot started as a very small team back in 2021, and as we grew bigger and hired our final employees in 2023, we felt the need to upgrade our brand identity to reflect who we really are.

Sure, our old logo had a cool vibe with its laid-back look and its flashy pink shirt, but it felt more like an illustration than an actual logo.

Old logos

Our brand identity lacked uniformity, our website was just a one pager taken from an online free template with no real personality, it didn’t go into the details of who we are and why we do what we do: in short, it all needed a good makeover.

We started by thinking about what kind of vibe we wanted to give off, our values, our tastes, and inspirations. We make games but above all, we’re a team who’s enjoying working together. We wanted something that looks pro yet fun.

From that, we decided to upscale our logo and completely redo our website. Our UI Artist sketched a few logos, keeping the robot theme as a base.

Some sketches during research

The general idea was clearly to play with the blindspot concept. Some of us are very disappointed that the cat logos didn’t make the cut, as every company should have a cat logo. It came very close though. Oh, well.

Here’s what made the cut at first: let’s call it Round #1.

First iteration

We were very happy with the result… Until some feedback from our inner circles was that it looks like a monk carrying hay on their back and we couldn’t unsee it :’(

Starts Round #2: we came up with a similar yet different style that makes it (hopefully) clear that our logo represents a face with a spot. We had a long internal debate about which color represents us best.

Some test for colors

Then the team settled on bright orange to match with Vincent’s cool glasses and cane. And there you go; our new look was born:

The final logo

As for our website, we gave it the revamp it deserved, by creating it all from scratch, straight from our UI artist magic hands. It has a darker, more serious look, while keeping a fun vibe thanks to little touches of color, pictures, and copywriting. It was important to us to have a page showcasing the team, who we are, how we got there, and what sets us apart. We take pride in offering a 4-day work week to our Blindspotteers without compromising on the quality of our work or our well-being and we’re not shy about it 😉

We also had a photoshoot session where we all tried to strike a pose under a spotlight and realised that although we all look fabulous, compared to modelling, we’re much more comfortable crafting video games.

Our Team

The whole process took us a while (we’re still working on our game meanwhile, y’know), but we’re glad we did everything in-house. Everybody was involved in the decision-making process, and it was fun to shape our brand identity together. We hope you like it!

The Blindspot Games team.